Friday, July 24, 2015

Franken Spanken

This was hiding out as a draft from the last trip to the Frankenjura. 🐶

Classic Action Directe Pockets!
Trying not to haemorrhage on the first move of AD

Post jump move comes an awesome series of two finger pockets followed by a clip off a mono
Cafe und kuchen,  quintessential Frankenjura!
Fingerboarding in the schlaphlager at the Eichler
Flying the flags at the Eichler. Our campsite's looking pretty tidy
compared to how it became after a month.


Berg Rabenstein

Beautiful Pottenstein

Grant on one of the best routes we have ever done!

The result of another knife fight in Krottenseer

Konrad Saladra cimbing like he was on
a ladder!!!
Hush in the crowd watching attempts on AD

A solid redpoint attempt!!!

Damphammer, Weissenstein
Warm-up at Weissenstein

AD - Cool pockets
Getting stuck the start of the top boulder. Digging toes into
slick pockety footers

Uber kalt im der schlaphlager. -3 degrees, off to waldkopf!

...uber schone. Bipolar weather stalked us at every turn. Hot, cold and then this! PERFECT!

Pigsty im der schlaphlager

-2 degree day at Waldkopf
-2 degrees and shallow pockets = nicht gute!

Veruckt kalt! I actually had snow blowing down my neck
whilst trying to do sections!
Staircase to Schlossbergwand ich glauber. Could anything be nicer?
An old castley type fortress used to be on top of this hill in like, the jurassic period
and remnants of it are still being discovered

Capt. Grantissimuss on Lieber Ohne Chance, Schlossbergwande

Last day at Waldkopf...
...what to do!

Pottenstein. Good woody space up stairs!

Immer Traurig!

Bejing Airport - 1 mile of de ja vous

Idle hours


Grant getting stuck into Slimline...actual redpoint!

Will pretending to be stylish


Wilber-wild on Slimline

Krottenseer mullet toting GNR impersonator letting his
F-holes do the talking